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Homeland Association for Social Improvement

Cultivating positive change and empowering communities to thrive through innovative, sustainable solutions that transform lives and create a more just, equitable world.

Background of HASI

Homeland Association for Social Improvement (HASI) is a non-profit organization founded in 1996 to address the socio-economic challenges in the remote coastal area of Hatiya, Bangladesh. HASI's programs focus on alleviating poverty, improving health and sanitation, promoting sustainable agriculture, and building disaster resilience. Through community mobilization, women's empowerment, and partnerships, HASI aims to drive positive change and transform the lives of the marginalized population. With an expansion into neighboring districts, HASI continues its efforts towards sustainable development and social transformation in the region.


HASI dreams a society where without any discrimination and division of sex, caste, color. The people will enjoy full dignity and enable themselves to be involved and participate in the main stream development for sustainability and empowerment.


Make significant contribution to the optimum changes of the target people, living in the vulnerable locations , and provide them demand driven services by promoting their efficient participation, Creating environment for gender balanced interaction, mobilizing local resources, social commitment, advocacy and capacity building of the poor people that lead them to promote their self-reliant sustainable living in the family and social life with a special emphasis on participatory and contributory approach.


To change the socio-economic status of the poor people vulnerable to disaster and climate shocks, especially the disadvantaged women and children including physically disabled for better livelihood to promote and extend the socio-economic status in a considerable enlistment.


HASI identified its target beneficiaries of the society as poor, disaster prone, landless and under privileged men, women and children of different communities and occupation to assist them the poverty eradication and self-development.

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