Objective of the Organization
Specific Objective:
To uplift the socio-economic status of the target people of the catchments area with a special emphasis on participatory and sustainable development program.
Detail Objectives:
- To mobilize and organize the disadvantaged poor people especially destitute women.
- To impart functional/non-formal education and training to illiterate women and adolescent girls to make them self-reliant.
- To institutionalize micro/macro credit programs for the disadvantaged people for their socio-economic emancipation and poverty alleviation by undertaking sustainable income-generating activities.
- To initiate micro-entrepreneurship through credit programs.
- To impart human and skill development training to the group members for efficiency, capacity building, and behavioral change.
- To provide packages of soft and hardware support to the distressed and disadvantaged people about health, nutrition, water aid, and sanitation.
- To reduce fertility rates in the area through MCH-based family planning programs.
- To undertake social forestry and sustainable agriculture in the area for environmental protection and ecological balance.
- To rehabilitate people with disabilities & HIV/AIDS positive in the community through CBR.
- To reduce human rights violations by practicing good governance at different tiers.
- To undertake disaster preparedness, rescue, and rehabilitation programs within the working area.
- To develop linkages with relevant government, national, and international development agencies for wider support and cooperation.
- To work closely with government, NGOs, and relevant institutions at the local and national levels for more efficient and responsive disaster preparedness, including early warning systems and mitigation strategies.